This special taste and this characteristic aroma, which I cannot describe, but can only feel, is the best thing that could accompany the match of the National Team with England.
The tickets for the match between the national team and England at the OAKA were snapped up from the first minute they were released, which is proven by the fact that the approximately 55,000 tickets they were sold out in just a few hours.
What does this mean? On the one hand, there won’t be a pin dropped at OAKA on 14/11, and on the other hand, some of us were not so lucky, and we didn’t manage to book a seat for the second date of the “blue and white” with Tria Lodaria.
Ok, I was upset, as I imagine everyone who tried to find a “magic card” was, but I thought again…. There is always the other side of the coin.
The sofa also has its charms. Somehow, I decided to stay home and create the atmosphere I want to watch the big game.
It’s a rite of passage. I’ll start by wearing the blue and white jersey. We dim the lights, turn up the decibels and take our seats… in the home stands. Alone, without company. These are also the times when I like to enjoy the matches without others around.
I’m not saying company is good, but loneliness has its advantages. In fact, I don’t even want food next to me. I only want one thing to keep me company. A not-so-expected side dish for ball nights at home. What I didn’t even imagine would be the best company. The side dish I wouldn’t change for anything again.
The first sip is enough to immediately understand as soon as it reaches the palate, that this is what you were looking for, what you needed to give the ball nights at home that little bit more.
Matarelli Ouzo. It’s her special taste and this characteristic aroma that come from the aromatic anise it contains.
She is the slow double distillation in traditional copper pot stills which gives it that genuine and rich taste, while the anise enchants you from the first moment.
You open it and the house is flooded with unique smells that take you to every corner of Greece, seaside and not.
Naturally the only one aromatic effect is largely due to in the seaside location of the estates, in Lisvori, Lesvos, where the best anise in the world blooms.
We would say that the Ouzo Matarelli it is born of soil that absorbs and digests seafood perfumes, this endless blue, like our national flag.
To our health and with victory!